34. The Power Of The Great

This reading is associated with March and April
where four Yang lines rise up to steal the show.
Here Arousing, above, is joined by Creative, below.
Their trength and movement cause power to flow
With these rising strong lines... All things are "GO"!.

Inner Worth joins Great Force in taking power.
But one's strength can also pass its optimal hour.
Relying wholly on one's power would be an error.
Movement, at the wrong time, could bring danger.
Hence the reminder... Perseverance will further.

Justice & Power must unite for things to be made right
This is the power to accomplish that which is truly great.
To mere application of force things should not degenerate.
We must remain inwardly united, appropriate,
observing the guiding principles of justice and right.

Thunder in heaven creates an image of great power.
Heavenly alignment ultimately leads to real power.
Such movement is in harmony with heavenly order
where true greatness lay in doing what is proper.
One must tread this path of established order.

Music by The Buddha Experience: Zen Meditation
9 AT BOTTOM:Power in the toe.
Expect misfortune the further you go.
Rely on power when your position is low
and misfortune is all you will have to show.

Perseverance creates good fortune
as success' gate is begins to open
for one has a receptive dispostion
turning resistance into recognition.
Calm perseverance, with devotion,
puts one in a leading position.

9 IN 3RD PLACE:  Remorse.
Here an inferior one relies on force.
This, the superior one does not endorse.

There is no entanglement, or remorse,
as the barrier gives way to open course.
Be like an axle....  A persevering force
(Quietly, from under, rendering supports).

6 IN 5TH PLACE:  Good sense!
No remorse.  Loose the goat!  Good riddance!
Everything is cool....  No more resistance!
One can give up one's belligerance.

A goat butts against a hedge at 6 AT THE TOP.
It can't go backward... Or forward...  It must stop.
Nothing serves to further... Everything must drop.
Study the problem ... Eventually it will stop.

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1995 by joemorales (AT) cdmag.us